A washroom as much as any other area, reflects on the overall cleanliness of any business, staff or visitors do not wish to leave a washroom with a feeling their hands are not clean and they may have touched a surface that appears to be unhealthy. For information on out AFFORDABLE Washroom Cleaning and sanitization services. .
Swinton Building Services employ cleaning crews who are highly skilled in removing all traces of germs and can kill 99% after a deep clean and sanitization process has been carried out. Many companies may just clean the areas you see, like the mirrors, the urinals, and the faucets etc. but to be totally clean and healthy, it is the microscopic germs you need to clean and the areas it is not possible to see.
Our cleaning crews have the best environmentally-friendly chemicals and equipment that eliminate all the microscopic germs and reach those hard to see areas. Over the past 3 decades, Swinton Building Services has been providing deep cleaning and sanitizations services in washrooms for many thousands of satisfied customers in all forms of businesses ranging from production, office buildings retail to restaurants.
Our green cleaning chemicals pose no threat to humans or animals when they come into contact with them, this makes them ideal for food preparations or restaurant washrooms which help to safeguard your valued customers and staff.
For Extra information on our Superior Affordable Washroom Cleaners or any other of our cleaning services which can benefit you, please visit our website swintonbuildingservices.com, or contact our professional cleaning service staff in Edmonton on 780 – 939 – 2799 and receive your free tailored quote which will meet all your requirements.
We can be contacted 24/7, 365 days per year to accommodate any of your requirements. For more, click here for a special video offer.