Please contact us online via our website Swinton Building Services or speak directly to our cleaning services support staff in Edmonton on 780 – 939 – 2799 who can be reached 24 hours per day and 365 days per year
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Are you, or have you deliberated using a green cleaning company for your janitorial cleaning? If you have, do you know of the benefits this can bring? Not only can you do your part and help protect the environment, but you can also be helping to improve the quality of the environment for your employees and clients.
Complete details on our GREEN CLEANING available here.
Some of the benefits associated with using a Green Cleaning Company like Swinton Building Services are:
Green Cleaning Improves Air Quality
Buildings aim to conserve energy, and for them to achieve this, they have to be closed areas. Cleaning chemicals that contain toxic ingredients can either smell, or the VOC’s which they contain can lead to health problems if breathed in, many VOC’s are added just to give chemicals a nice smell.
Green chemicals contain no VOC’s and use essential oils for their aroma, this can reduce employee allergic reactions and a number of sick days will be reduced.
Contamination is reduced by green cleaning
Green cleaning chemicals are produced from all natural compounds and are fully biodegradable, these are safe to be flushed into the wastewater system without worries of affecting water tables or the environment outside your facility. Not only this, they are safe to the touch, so once areas have been cleaned, they pose no risk to your employees, especially in areas where food may be consumed or prepared.
Employee Health improves with green cleaning
Many conventional janitorial cleaning products that are used for cleaning bathrooms can contain chlorines or ammonia, these have been shown to cause many injuries to janitorial workers over the years, and with exposure to these on a frequent basis can lead to chronic illnesses.
Swinton Building Services only uses green cleaning chemicals which have been proven and tested to both humans and the environment.
For further information on our specialist cleaning services including:
Industrial cleaning Services Edmonton, Commercial Cleaning Services Edmonton, Office Cleaning Services Edmonton, Retail Cleaning Edmonton, Floor Cleaning Services Edmonton, Restaurant Cleaning Edmonton, Window Cleaning Services, Carpet Cleaning Services Edmonton, Construction Cleaning Services and Green Cleaning Services.
Please contact us on-line via our website Swinton Building Services or speak directly to our cleaning services support staff in Edmonton on 780 – 939 – 2799 who can be reached 24 hours per day and 365 days per year
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