High traffic areas often attract the large amount of dust particles which gets stuck on the walls, windows, floors etc. The floors have to face daily movement of people, dollies, carts, wheelchairs, dragging of heavy equipment etc, which leads to its destruction and degrades the quality. Due to this regular movement, the wax coating from surfaces gets stripped off and the dust particles get stuck in these cracks. High heels in the office areas may cause dent and deep scratches on the surfaces which also strip off the coating from the surfaces. Moreover, the spill, marks, stains on the floors look very bad and needs to be cleaned properly. To maintain the shine of the floors, these require regular cleaning and maintenance services. This is very difficult for you to apply the wax coating on the floors on your own. For this, you can hire professional cleaners. Learn more about our BEST VALUE floor stripping and waxing services.
First of all, the expert janitors will remove the dust particles by using high quality broom, dusting, vacuuming, mopping and sweeping. After this, they will apply the stripping solution to remove the wax layer. The solution is left undisturbed for few hours. Then, using scrubbing machine, the stripped off layer is removed. The remains of this layer are removed properly by washing the entire surface with high pressure of water stream. After this, a layer of wax is applied after the floors are dried properly. Let the coat dry and then apply the next layer. This procedure will continue until you get the desired results.
SBS is a well known janitorial company in Edmonton. We have a team of highly skilled members who are efficient in providing the quality floor stripping and waxing services. Our experts are available at your service 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. You can hire our services for regular, weekly, fortnightly and monthly basis. Call us at 780-939-2799 to get a free quote. For more information, click here for a special video offer.