The owner of every industry wants his/her production site to be clean and tidy. There are different types of industries where various products are being manufactured with the help of machines and equipment. Due to regular visits, these production sites get dirty and dusty. The things used for manufacturing products also gets dirty because of regular usage. The weather conditions also affect the cleanliness of these manufacturing sites. The dust particles get deposited on walls, floors and windows. The greasy material gets stuck near the ventilators and fume hoods which makes the area look very bad and further affects the ventilation process. The stinky and infectious washrooms are the main source of disease spread. These are the breeding homes of germs, pathogens, microorganisms and bacteria. The urinal cisterns, toilet bowls, flush rims, area under the seats and the lining of the floors are the areas where germs hide. To clean the production site properly, you can hire professional cleaners. Learn more about our BEST VALUE industrial cleaning services.
The expert janitors use the most effective methods and modern tools to clean the manufacturing sites. They give proper care while cleaning industries where food and beverages are made; as their concern is not only cleaning the area, but also providing safety of the workplace. The experts use Eco-friendly agents to clean each and every corner of the industries to protect you and your employees from the harmful effects of dangerous chemicals. The modernize techniques and equipment help them to clean the place properly, leaving behind a sparkle shine. There are several janitorial companies who provide the best cleaning services at affordable prices.
SBS is one of the leading commercial cleaning companies in Edmonton. We have skilled team members that provide the best industrial cleaning services. Our experts are available 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. We provide regular, weekly, biweekly, monthly and yearly services. You can also get a free quote by calling us @ 780-939-2799. For more information, click here for a special video offer.