Understanding the need of cleaning in commercial places is very important. A dirty and dusty place leads to several severe diseases. There are various commercial sites like institutes, industries, construction sites, restaurants, retail stores, shopping malls, business complexes, offices etc that get dirty due to regular visits and bad weather conditions. The dust gets deposited on the walls, windows, floors, glass doors, tables, staircases etc. The stains, spots, marks on the window glasses, walls, mirrors and floors leave a bad impact on the mind of customers. The yellowish stains in the toilets, urinal cisterns, areas under the seats and the flush rims affects your business reputation. The black fumes from the chemical industries, canteens and kitchen gets stick to the walls. The regular deposition of this black residue forms a greasy materials on the ventilators and high rise areas which is very difficult to remove on your own. To clean all these dust particles and debris, you can hire professional cleaners. Learn more about our BEST VALUE commercial cleaning services.
The professional cleaners use the latest methods and techniques to do their job properly. The use of modern tools and equipment make their task easy and quick. They use green cleaning products that do not cause any harm to human health and the environment. The experts will work systematically and will start from general cleaning process which includes dusting, vacuuming, mopping and sweeping. After this, they will follow deep cleaning process to remove germs, pathogens, bacteria and microorganisms from the contaminated areas. The professionals will prevent the growth of germs in the contiguous areas.
SBS is a reputed commercial cleaning company in Edmonton. We have skilled staff members who provide cleaning services at various places at affordable prices. Our experts are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and 365 days a year. We have over 27 years of experience and around 1000 happy clients. You can hire us to get regular, weekly, biweekly and monthly services. You can contact us at 780-939-2799 to get a free quote and to know about our service provision. For more, click here for a special video offer.