Wax coated floors are very common and widely used in commercial buildings and offices to enhance the look and feel of the area. But when these get dirty, it would leave a bad impact on the mind of customers. Moreover, when the wax coating from the these surfaces get stripped off, it looks awful. Mainly this happens due to regular visits, movement of hand trucks, carts, dollies, wheelchairs, etc and dragging of heavy boxes, tables chairs etc. The stains, marks, spill on the floors look bad and may also lead to severe injury. In order to get them cleaned properly, you can hire professional cleaners. Learn more about our BEST VALUE floor stripping and waxing services.
The professional cleaners will first of all, remove the stripped off wax by applying the stripping solution and then left it undisturbed for some time. After that, they will remove the stripped off wax using high pressure of the water stream and let it dry. Then, they will apply the new wax coating and left it undisturbed till it gets dry. The process of applying wax coating continues as per the requirement of the customer. There are various companies who offer their services at affordable prices, you just need to search the one that suits your requirements.
SBS is a renowned janitorial company in Edmonton. We have a highly skilled team who are well equipped and are efficient in providing the quality floor stripping and waxing services. Our experts are available at your service 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. You can hire us by calling at 780-939-2799 and can also get a free quote. For more, click here for a special video offer.