
Commercial Wall Cleaning and Maintenance Services In Edmonton

Walls impart beautiful interior and outlook to Home, Commercial Buildings and large infrastructures. We prefer to choose beautiful colors of wall paints to modify the appearance of our place. With SBS we provide professional BEST VALUE commercial cleaning services in Edmonton, Ab.

There are many factors due to which outer coating of the walls and paint colors get affected. These are:

Indoor Pollution: Dust, dirt particles, Sticky mud, Permanent marks, oil stains, Pen or pencil marks, Smoke, Fingerprints, Footmarks etc.

Outdoor Pollution: The various sources of outdoor pollution are:

The overexposure of sunlight may deteriorate the wall paints and the colors also get faded with the heat radiation.

Bad Weather Conditions like Heavy rainfall can also destroy the paint coating on the exterior walls. Acid rain contains harmful chemicals that can attack the coating colors and cause peeling and cracks on the wall paints.

With the Bad climate like a storm, the dust and dirt particles get stuck to the walls and impart bad outlook of your place.

Wall washing and cleaning can remove the soil particles from the inner and outer surfaces. The regular maintenance services also enhance the durability and stability of the paint colors.

The business premises have a wide layout with various departments and sectors. The infrastructures with big heights need some professional assistance for the wall cleaning and maintenance services. The Commercial Cleaning Contractors are the professional companies, consisting Janitorial team and skilled Expertise for the cleaning jobs. The licensed companies tend to employ the use of modern cleaning equipment and devices for the tasks like High-Pressure Cleaner, Scrubbers, Vacuum Cleaner, Spray, Ladders, rubber sponge, Mopping Tools etc.

Cleaning Methods: Generally the dust particles are removed by dusting and mopping methods. Sometimes, the vacuuming method is also used. For the big walls, the use of modern tools and devices is preferred for the deep cleaning. After the removal of dry mud and soil particles, the Cleaning solution is sprayed on the surfaces and with the help of Squeegee, the sticky particles are removed. This procedure is repeated several times. For the surfaces with the deteriorated paint colors, the walls are repainted to renew the appearance.

SBS is the renowned company for providing quality services for the wall washing and maintenance services. We allow the use of Eco-friendly products. We are available 24*7. For further details regarding cleaning services, Click here for a special offer.


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