No matter what business you have, Green Cleaning can help, it is not seasonal and can help to eliminate many allergens from your workplace.
An employee loses an average of 7 days per year through allergies, and when you have a large workforce this can add up to a lot of lost hours and a lot of lost money. This may not affect your business, yet it certainly doesn’t help.
Click here for full detail on our GREEN CLEANING
Swinton Building solutions can help to prevent some of this by our green cleaning methods in combination with our ‘Swinton Health-Based Cleaning System’ you can leave your workplace feeling fresh and inviting to all who work or visit.
The other side to allergies is the ones from regular toxic cleaning chemicals where we have no clue what the contents do to us, from liquids left on surfaces to toxic fumes that hang in the air for hours can seriously affect a person’s health.
Tough on stains, and soft on the environment. Click For your FREE GREEN Cleaning Demonstration
Swinton Building Services can help to reduce the number of allergens and toxins around your workplace and will leave the environment cleaner and employee friendly. All of our green cleaning chemicals have been tested safe, even in areas where food preparation is conducted.
Our green Cleaning Solutions are not only friendly to your workers, they are also friendly to your budget, each and every one can be tailored to fit well inside your budget. You may also find, with less staff absenteeism, the cleaning could well pay for itself.
For further information on our specialist cleaning services including Office Cleaning, Retail Cleaning, Commercial Cleaning, Restaurant Cleaning, Industrial Cleaning, Green Cleaning, Construction Cleaning, Carpet Cleaning, Carpet Care, Floor Care and Window Cleaning Services in Edmonton AB.
Please contact our cleaning services experts in Edmonton on 780 – 939 – 2799 who can be contacted 24 hours per day and 365 days per year
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